So Maskne is actually a thing now....
What is happening to my skin!!
As we all adapt to the new normal way of life and play our part to stop the spread of Covid, mask wearing, and social distancing have become a way of life. Keys, bags, purse, phone and now mask before we leave the house have become second nature, the panic sets in outside the shop as we struggle to remember if we brought our mask or not.
We are all good citizens (well most of us) and what to stop the spread of Covid19 but the breakouts, pimples, spots, dry lips and sore chin are not something we were expecting. So what is happening and how can we adjust to taking care of our skin whilst protecting our more vulnerable citizens.
Mask wearing can have several issues for skin :
• Maskne • TEWL (trans-epidermal water loss) • Friction lesions and blisters
The degree to which these affect each of us will depend on several factors
• Skin sensitivity • Duration of mask wearing • General health and well being • Cleanliness of the mask
But help is at hand and by some simple changes to our skincare routine we can prevent and treat these “new” conditions.
Maskne : Whilst this is a new term which seems trendy in the media right now it actually refers to a medical condition known as Acne Mechanica. This is different from what we often associated with teenage acne (Acne Vulgaris) which is caused by hormone changes, increased oil production, blocked pores and inflammation.
Acne Mechanica isn’t caused by hormonal changes but by friction, heat and pressure on the skin. It is made worse when the skin is not exposed to air. Historically it has been very common in athletes and skiers who wear face or body coverings for extended periods of time causing friction and breakouts. The resulting spots are similar but smaller than normal acne and blackheads and whiteheads are also common. It is also often referred to as sandpaper acne.
Treatment and Prevention : Good skin cleansing is key to help unblock the pores and remove excess dirt and oil. Regular exfoliation will also help remove dead skin cells. Alpha and Beta Hydroxy-acids will help with this and these can be found in Million Dollar Medi+ Exfoliating Scrub and Glycowash and Medik8' Surface Radiance Cleanse.
For more severe cases seek medical advice and prescription Benzoyl Peroxide may be needed.
To prevent occurrence use a good emollient to keep skin lubricated and hydrated to prevent rubbing, HD SOS Balm is great for this.
Our skincare Secrets :
• Wash or replace your mask regularly • Deep cleanse with an exfoliating wash every morning • Use HD SOS Balm if wearing a mask for extended periods of time • Take a break and get some fresh air, this will help reduce the build up of anaerobic bacteria on your skin
This phenomena is well known to athletes too, it is trans-epidermal water loss and is caused by heat and water evaporation due to areas of the skin being covered for long periods of time. You may have started to notice this especially on your lips if you have worn a mask on along train journey for instance. It is very uncomfortable and can make mask wearing a real hassle. However, it is easily avoided and treated.
Plan ahead and always carry water with you, this will help replace lost water and keep you hydrated, no brainer really!
Carry a good emollient lip balm to prevent further water loss.
KV Beauty Tips:
Use a small amount of Medi+ Exfoliating scrub on the lips to remove dead skin cells and encourage blood flow.
Use HD SOS Balm as a lip balm to prevent further water-loss.
Apply a small amount of HD SOS Balm from nose to mouth to reduce irritation.
Friction lesions and blisters
We had lots of healthcare professionals complain about this during the peak of the first wave of the pandemic and it can be extremely painful, lead to infection and even prevent the ability to tolerate mask wearing. It is highly unlikely to occur if wearing a mask around the shops or on the occasional even long train journey, however as many commuters return to work and long-haul flights start up again we are seeing many more people seeking advice for this.
The key here is prevention and a good lubricating emollient balm will work a treat. Use HD SOS Balm before you wear a mask and apply every few hours to stop irritation and manage skin condition.
For more skincare advice or if you wish to discuss any other skin concerns you have, book a Discovery Facial with us an we can offer you expert advice on treatments and homecare. We also offer free consultations for young adults who may be finding that mask wearing along with hormonal changes are having a big impact on their skin (must be accompanied by an adult)